Thursday, January 3, 2013


AUGER  Electron Spectroscopy Should not be confused with Atomic emission Spectroscopy. AES is a popular method in material analysis.

The Auger effect is an electronic process at the heart of AES resulting from the inter- and intrastate transitions of electrons in an excited atom. When an atom is probed by an external mechanism, such as a photon or a beam of electrons with energies in the range of 2 KeV to 50 KeV, a core state electron can be removed leaving behind a hole. As this is an unstable state, the core hole can be filled by an outer shell electron, whereby the electron moving to the lower energy level loses an amount of energy equal to the difference in orbital energies. The transition energy can be coupled to a second outer shell electron which will be emitted from the atom if the transferred energy is greater than the orbital binding energy.An emitted electron will have a kinetic energy of:
E_{kin}=E_{\text{Core State}}-E_B-E_{C}'
where E_{\text{Core State}}E_BE_C' are respectively the core level, first outer shell, and second outer shell electron energies, measured from the vacuum level. The apostrophe (tic) denotes a slight modification to the binding energy of the outer shell electrons due to the ionized nature of the atom; often however, this energy modification is ignored in order to ease calculations.Since orbital energies are unique to an atom of a specific element, analysis of the ejected electrons can yield information about the chemical composition of a surface. Figure 1 illustrates two schematic views of the Auger process.
Figure 1. Two views of the Auger process. (a) illustrates sequentially the steps involved in Auger deexcitation. An incident electron creates a core hole in the 1s level. An electron from the 2s level fills in the 1s hole and the transition energy is imparted to a 2p electron which is emitted. The final atomic state thus has two holes, one in the 2s orbital and the other in the 2p orbital. (b) illustrates the same process using spectroscopic notation, KL_1L_{2,3}.

Difference MRI NMR and ESR

NMR = Nuclear Magnetic Resonance is the resonance that occurs when a nucleus (usually hydrogen, but any nucleus that has non-zero spin will work) is placed in a magnetic field and is 'swept' by a radio frequency that causes the nuclei to 'flip'. This causes the radio frequency to be absorbed, which is what is measured. 

MRI = Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a more complex application of NMR in which the geometric source of the resonances are detected and deconvoluted by Fourier transform analysis. 

ESR = Electron Spin Resonance is also a resonance phenomenon, except in this case it is the spin of an unpaired electron that is in resonance, rather than a nuclear spin.

So if you are NMR then it is only the resonance effect no imaging involved, NMR some times used in material analysis. 

MRI is a imaging technique where as NMR and ESR both are methods used for material analysis, but NMRI (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is same as MRI the medical people just deleted the first word as it scares the patients.