Here in berhampur we have a Plant of DAE extracting rare earth materials from sea beach mud. The prime element is Thorium a radioactive element can be used as a nuclear fuel.
But the intresting fact is we are using it in home also. Yes that is inside the picture tube, in gas lamp mantels. In lab its with the Photo MultiPlier Tube (PMT), PMT is are inside almost every analytical instruments.
Why is it used in picture tube ?
Filaments in electronic tubes and television picture tubes have be coated in thorium oxides to produce electrons more easily
Thorium oxide coated gas lamp mantles used in ornamental gas lanterns and gas burning camping lamps are radioactive. The thorium oxide is chosen because it can be raised to white heat without decomposing. However, the mantle does become extremely fragile and will powder into a fine ash which can potentially be inhaled or ingested. Thorium is a natural alpha emitter with the potential for increasing lung tumors. Thorium disintegrates to produce radon-220, an alpha particle emitting radioactive gas.
A number of substances have been used as positive contrast agents: silver, bismuth, caesium, thorium, tin, zirconium, tantalum, tungsten and lanthanide compounds have been used as contrast agents. The use of thoria (thorium dioxide) as an agent was rapidly stopped as thorium causes liver cancer.
For conventional dynode materials, such as BeO and MgO, a multiplication factor of 10 can normally be achieved by each dynode stage.
Microchannel plate detector